There are many chances in your life to go on a romantic getaway. You might be one of those people who has never had the time, or one of those people who has always thought you'll do it someday, but not now. However, you should know that going on a romantic getaway is one of the best ways to make sure that your relationship stands the test of time. In fact, romantic getaways in Ohio have become one of the best ways to protect relationships.
There are many reasons that going on romantic getaways in Ohio are going to help your relationship stand the test of time. First of all, going on romantic getaways in Ohio is one way for you to simply be with the person that you love, and do the things together that you have always wanted to do. It might seem like a luxury, but in today's world, people don't take the time just to be with the person that they love. This can prove very detrimental, because it is often easy to get lost when you fail to spend time with the person you love. Going on romantic getaways in Ohio is something that you can become a part of the things you do every year, and something that you can do for years and years to come.
Many times, people avoid romantic getaways in Ohio not because they don't want to spend time together, but because they think that a romantic getaway has to be something that they spend a lot of money on, and something that is a once in a lifetime occurrence. In fact, just the opposite is true. Romantic getaways in Ohio and all over the world shouldn't be about spending money or trying to do something you have never done before, they should be about simply spending time with the person you love.
Some Ideas
There are many ways to have your dream romantic getaways in Ohio. For instance, simply going to a bed and breakfast, or a regular hotel, and being together is a great way for you to get away romantically. Remember that no matter what you choose to do, whether it is to go to a sporting event or a national landmark, or whether you are going to a city to go shopping, or even just down the street to a hotel, the point of romantic getaways in Ohio should be simply taking the time to get to know one another again.
Check out a variety of romantic and hot getaway ideas and best hidden vacation adventure spots for families and couples. Explore a new getaway today and read on to know how to plan surprise vacations at My Gateway Vacation.

All the great places for vacation
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Strengthen your Relationship with a Romantic Getaway in Ohio
Posted by dzul89 at 8:05 PM 0 comments Leave your comment here
Labels: gateway reviews, romantic gateway, Romantic Gateway in Ohio
Monday, May 28, 2007
Discovering Fantastic Romantic Getaways in Illinois
The popular school of thought when it comes to romantic getaways is that they should be something you do once in great while, where you spend a lot of money and do something brand new with your partner. However, this is a school of thought that might be based on error.
Instead of waiting until you have saved your money and doing something extravagant, there are many small things that you can do cheaply that are going to benefit your relationship in too many ways to mention. In fact, not going on romantic getaways might actually damage your relationship, because you aren't going to have time to spend just as the two of you. No matter what you have financially, when it comes to romantic getaways, Illinois has something to offer everyone.
What's Important
When it comes to romantic getaways, Illinois can offer you and your partner a chance to simply be together. In the end, this is the most important part of a romantic getaway. It doesn't matter where you go or how much money you spend while you are there. The thing that matters the most is the fact that you are willing to drop everything and spend time with the person that you love.
What to Do
If you are planning romantic getaways, Illinois can offer you many different things. In fact, because of the diversity of the state, when it comes to romantic getaways, Illinois has more to offer than you might think at first. Some of the most important and recognizable romantic getaways in Illinois include the many bed and breakfasts, where you will be given a room and food, and you can spend your time with that special person.
The most important part of any romantic getaway, no matter where you go or what you do is that you spend time talking and reconnecting with the person you are with. This is something that can truly strengthen your relationship. Remember that a romantic getaway shouldn't be something that you put aside when you don't have time for it. You should make sure that you are able to take advantage of any chance you have to slip away with the person you love and spend a few days just with them. This is something that, if you do regularly, will lead to a much stronger relationship, and in fact will allow you to get through many things in your life.
Posted by dzul89 at 10:01 PM 0 comments Leave your comment here
Labels: gateway reviews, romantic gateway, Romantic Getaways in Illinois
Friday, May 25, 2007
Ideas and Tips to a Romantic Getaway on Vancouver Island
Vancouver, Canada is a major port that most cruise ships use as turn around point during the summer. However, Vancouver Island has more than just a major port to offer, it is a true romantic getaway for those that want to have a bit of everything included in the package.
The Best Romantic Getaways on Vancouver Island
If you are looking to find a quiet cozy place in Vancouver Island then Sooke is the place to go. It offers cozy quiet cabins on the waterfront with many activities available if you choose to try some such as, hiking, biking and best of all whale watching. The most popular and romantic getaways on Vancouver Island are the Sooke Harbor House and the Sooke River Estuary Bed and Breakfast if you are looking for peaceful time with your partner.
However romantic can be translated in many ways and for those of us who have hectic, busy lives, a romantic getaway on Vancouver Island at one of its famous spa resorts would be the right way to spend some time together with your partner. To book a luxury spa for the day or even the whole weekend you need to do a quick research on Vancouver Island luxury spa resorts and then choose the best one suitable for your time frame and pocket book. Booking in advance is highly recommended especially if you are planning a weekend romantic getaway in the peak seasons.
Other Romantic Getaways on Vancouver Island
On the east coast of Vancouver Island you will be able to find Parksville and Qualicum beach, which are also known as the best beaches on the island and where you will also find some great romantic getaways such as, exploring Cathedral Groove or spending the day in the Little Qualicum Falls Park.
There are a large number of activities found in Vancouver for couples who want to spend a romantic day or weekend - from quiet, cozy romantic cottages to the hustle and bustle of Vancouver city where you will find it hard to choose between shopping, eating or visiting museums and theatres. A romantic getaway in Vancouver has everything you can ask for and more.
Booking a Romantic Getaway in Vancouver
Vancouver Island is a major destination for tourists around the world year round because of its vast contrasts and mild climate due to which reason you must plan your romantic getaway in Vancouver in time to ensure you get the getaway of choice when you desire it.
for more info, click here
Posted by dzul89 at 7:24 AM 0 comments Leave your comment here
Labels: gateway reviews, Getaway on Vancouver Island, Romantic Couple Getaways, romantic gateway
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Taking Advantage of a Romantic Getaway Package
When it comes to a romantic getaway, you know that it is something you should do with the person you love. You should always take the time to get away if you can, spending time together as a couple. This is a great way to build your relationship, to reconnect, and to learn more about each other.
Couples who go away on romantic getaways often have a higher chance of staying together. However, romantic getaways can be expensive, and they can be something that you might not be able to afford. Luckily, there are several things that you can do. One of these things is to take advantage of a romantic getaway package. A romantic getaway package is going to give you the chance to go on a romantic getaway, without many of the extra costs.
How It Works
There are many ways that a romantic getaway package would be able to work for you. For instance you are going to be able to have a chance to spend a smaller amount of money and get much more in return. If you find a romantic getaway package that fits your needs, you can find a package that includes transportation and lodging. These are the two biggest parts of any romantic getaway, and they can be the two things that make the romantic getaways so expensive. If you are able to find a romantic getaway package that includes the transportation to the place, as well as the hotel or other lodging at the place, you are going to find yourself in a much better situation.
There are other things that can be included in a romantic getaway package that are going to make it worth the time for you to purchase. For instance, depending on what you are doing for your romantic getaway, there are several things that might be included in the price of the package. If your trip includes things like spas and saunas, these might be included in the package. Also if you are going somewhere exotic, it might also be included in the package because there will be side trips that you might be able to go on.
Often times, if you get the right package, you are going to find that things like taxis, tickets to events, and food can also be included. If you can find the right package for you, you can have a very affordable romantic getaway with the person that you love.
Posted by dzul89 at 9:22 PM 0 comments Leave your comment here
Labels: gateway reviews, Romantic Couple Getaways, romantic package
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Where to go on a Romantic Getaway in Texas
There are many reasons that you might want to have a romantic getaway, and being alone together is just the beginning. It is important in relationships, that you take the time to be alone together and to really be able to be together as one. A getaway offers you this chance. There are many ways to have a romantic getaway in Texas - it can give you the chance to be yourself, to take care of the things that you've always wanted to do as a couple, and to really spend time loving each other. Going on a romantic getaway in Texas is something that you can cherish for a long time to come.
What Can We Do?
One of the biggest questions is always what to do on a romantic getaway in Texas. There is always going to be ways to get away together, but what types of things really make a difference in your love life?
The most important part of a romantic getaway in Texas would be the idea that the two of you were able to spend some time together - simply being with each other. Therefore, the most popular, and the best working romantic getaways take place in situations where neither of you has any stress or anything to worry about. You can simply be yourself, and you can let the details take care of themselves.
The best way that you can take your loved one on a romantic getaway in Texas is to pick something that both of you love to do, and then do it. Maybe this is something that requires only relaxing, like going to a spa or to a resort where you can be by the beach. Maybe, for you and the person you love, a romantic getaway works much better if you are doing something active, like playing a sport or doing something you both enjoy.
Whatever you decide to do on your romantic getaway, you should remember that the sole purpose is for you to be with the person you love. It isn't a romantic getaway if you love what you are doing, and your partner hates it. Try to find things that both of you will enjoy, and remember that this is your chance to really be a couple, so you should act like it. Tell each other things you have wanted to say, and remember why you fell in love in the first place.
Posted by dzul89 at 10:16 PM 1 Comment Leave your comment here
Labels: gateway holiday in texas, gateway reviews, Romantic Couple Getaways
Friday, May 18, 2007
How to Choose the Right Romantic Getaway Hotel
Hectic lifestyles and daily stress leave us little or no time for romance. But, in order to keep the relationship always at its best you need to find ways to spice things up even if it is for a weekend or just a day. Here are some ideas and tips on how to choose the right romantic getaway hotel to suit your budget and time frame.
The Right Romantic Getaway Hotel for a Weekend
If you have the budget, the right romantic getaway hotel would be away from the city you live in. it should be a short drive or flight away so you don't have to spend a lot of time traveling to get back and forth. Depending on the type of jobs and life you are leading you can choose a quiet, isolated romantic getaway hotel where you can just sit back and relax or you can choose a hotel in the heart of the city in order to be able to access as much activities as possible, depending on what you have in mind for a romantic getaway.
For those of us who cannot splurge on flying out of the city at the drop of the hat for a romantic getaway there are ways to be romantic in your own city by just being away from your home. You can find a romantic getaway hotel in your own city where you can spend the night or weekend as you choose and thus, dedicate time to your relationship in an environment that will allow you both to focus on one another only.
Things to Keep In Mind When Choosing a Romantic Getaway Hotel
Most of us feel that a romantic getaway hotel must be in quiet surroundings where a
do not disturbsign can hang out of the door the whole time. However, there are couples who find romance in doing things together that they don't have the time or cannot do during the week such as, have a night out by having dinner in town and then going to a club or discothèque.
Helpful Tip
To get great deals on romantic getaway hotels try and book in advance especially if you are booking a weekend at a popular vacation resort. However, if you are booking during the week in your own hometown you may be able to cash in on some great deals while having the time of your life.
Posted by dzul89 at 4:14 PM
Labels: gateway reviews, Hotel gateway, Romantic Couple Getaways, Romantic hotel
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The Importance of Romantic Couple Getaways
Going on a romantic couple getaway is something that you have probably always thought would be fun to do. What you might not know is that it is actually something very important for you and your partner and the wellbeing of your relationship as a whole.
Why Is It Important?
A romantic couple getaway is actually very important for many reasons. First of all, going on a romantic couple getaway can be just the thing that you need to do in order to get your relationship back on track. Have you ever felt that your relationship could use a boost, something to get it back to where it once was? Well, a romantic couple getaway is usually that something.
Going on a romantic couple getaway with the person that you love gives you a chance to rest and relax and simply be yourselves. This is very important because too many times in our day to day lives, we get obsessed with other things that are going on, and we let things like work and school and other family members interfere with our love life, and our lives as a couple.
By going on a romantic couple getaway and only being with the person you love, you are forced to actually spend time together, talking about your lives together, and what you like about each other. This is something that you can do no matter where you go on your getaway, and no matter what the other activities are that you might be busy in during that time.
Some might feel that this is something that can be done only when you have the time and money, and that it should be a luxury for you and your partner. However, it is something that you should do, no matter where you are in your lives, or how you are dealing with your relationship. Even if you don't spend much money, if you simply go to the nearest cheap hotel and spend some time together, it is something that is going to do wonders for your relationship. It is not something that you should only do when you can afford to. It is something that you should always try to do, no matter how expensive or economical the retreat may be.
Think of it as an investment in your marriage and don't feel guilty about spending some time and money on yourself - with not strings, kids or pets in tow!
Posted by dzul89 at 9:19 AM 0 comments Leave your comment here
Labels: gateway reviews, Romantic Couple Getaways, romantic gateway
Monday, May 14, 2007
Surprise Your Partner with a Romantic Cabin Getaway
Most of the time, romance takes a second or even third and fourth place once you are married with children, have a cat and a dog and a white picket fence. You can hardly manage your time between office, house work and the gazillion other chores that need to be done. Many couples unfortunately drift apart because they gradually grow apart and there comes a time when you don't even know who the person you live with is anymore.
In order to avoid this, especially because you love your partner, you need to ensure you keep things spiced up by planning a little romantic getaway now and again or better said, as often as possible because they are never enough.
The Best Choice in Any Season: Romantic Cabin Getaway
A romantic cabin getaway works best in any season because if it is winter you will be able to curl up together in front of the fire place and watch the snow fall outside while enjoying each other's company. However, if it is summer, a rustic setting such as a romantic cabin getaway will bring you back to the simpler yet important things in life.
In the US there are many mountainous locations that have romantic cabin getaways and some even cater specially for couples and romantic weekends only. Here are some famous resorts that offer some of the best romantic cabin getaways in the country and with which you can never go wrong.
Vermont has some world renowned locations that offer breathtaking views and activities year round. Aspen, Colorado is a place where some people say time has simply stopped and Cape Cod, Massachusetts, which is yet another New England location that will offer you more than you can ever imagine and wish for on a romantic getaway.
All these places have romantic getaway cabins dedicated to honeymooners or those that want to get in touch with themselves in the tranquil atmosphere and surroundings. The cabins here are fully equipped with all of today's technology but are located in the heart of nature where you can watch a squirrel climb up the tree and hear the birds sing. In all these locations you have the luxury of dinning out, cooking a gourmet meal in your romantic cabin or even getting room service in some: the choice is yours.
Helpful Tip
If you are looking to book a romantic getaway cabin in a famous location you may want to plan and book in advance because all these locations are in demand year round and finding the place of choice may be at times hard to get.
Posted by dzul89 at 11:26 PM 0 comments Leave your comment here
Labels: romantic cabin gateway, romantic gateway
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Niagara Falls: A Truly Romantic Getaway Destination
Niagara Falls, both the Canadian and the American side are perhaps one of the most beautiful places on earth and several renowned poets have been known to write some of their best works while sitting near the falls. This place attracts tourists from all parts of the world and a visit to the Niagara Falls for a romantic getaway is an excellent option.
The 56 meters high American Falls are the higher of the two falls and looks stunning at night when it is illuminated by a profusion of colored lights. An amazing fact about the Niagara Falls is that the water of the river that is located at the base of the Canadian Horseshoe Falls is higher than the falls itself.
Places Worth Visiting During Your Niagara Falls Romantic Getaway
During your romantic getaway at Niagara Falls you can also visit the 100-acre Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens that houses perhaps the finest collection of trees and shrubs in Canada. A visit to the Niagara Falls Bird Aviary, the largest indoor aviary in the world, is a unique and not to be missed experience. This 50,000 sq feet of tropical rainforest is home for over 400 types of birds. You can also view a wonderful variety of butterflies if you visit the Niagara Falls Butterfly Conservatory.
During your Niagara Falls romantic getaway you can also try your luck at the Casino Niagara that is spread over 96,000 sq feet of space. The Floral Clock is another major attraction of the region and this beautiful clock is one of the largest clocks in the world. The journey behind the Falls is an observation platform that offers a close-up view of the Falls from behind.
On your romantic getaway at the Niagara Falls you must make sure to visit the Skylon Tower that is Niagara's tallest building and houses a revolving restaurant where you can enjoy award-winning continental cuisine. You can see an area of over 80 miles from top of the tower and it is truly s unique experience. Visiting the restaurant at night is a truly romantic experience because it gives you an opportunity to view the sparkling lights that add on to the beauty of the falls. Other major attractions that you must visit on your tours to the Niagara Falls during a romantic getaway include Minolta Tower, Lundys Lane Historical Museum, Greg Frewin Theatre, Oakes Garden, IMAX Theatre and the Queen Victoria Park.
Posted by dzul89 at 10:27 PM 0 comments Leave your comment here
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Discover It All with a New England Romantic Getaway
Life can be frustrating at times. Work, school, kids, money, and other such things can easily put a strain on relationships, sometimes tearing them apart. If you and your partner are looking to keep your relationship strong, healthy and long lasting, then you may need to insert a New England romantic getaway into your busy schedule on occasion.
From all the 50 states to choose from, a New England romantic getaway may be the best way to relax and enjoy your significant other.
Why Choose New England?
The location of New England, between the mountains and the Atlantic sea makes it a state that is full of activities to do and places to visit at any time of the year. Whether you are a native Northeasterner, or have never seen the East Coast before, there are a variety of things to do and see that will make your New England romantic getaway worthwhile and memorable.
Seasonal Activities
New England, much like the neighboring states of Vermont and Maine, offer different recreational activities to pursue at any time of the year, including New England romantic getaway packages. In the winter, enjoying a skiing trip in the mountains, and renting a cabin, is the best way to have fun with your partner during the day and relax at night. If you don't want to be cold in the snow, then consider heading to a seaside and catching sight of the quaint villages along the shore. If you want to experience the finer things this state has to offer, and then take a tour through one of Vermont's many wineries, sample the fine wines and buy a bottle to take home for yourself.
In the fall, New England is graced with the presence of beautiful fall foliage. See this firsthand with a visit to a local farm, or park and take some pictures home of the golden leaves. Nothing would make a New England romantic getaway as naturally beautiful and simple as walk through a park surrounded by fallen leaves.
Just to Unwind
If you're not really into sports and adventure and just want a quiet atmosphere for you and your loved one, a New England romantic getaway may provide just that. New England has a delightful mix of old and new world and its serenity will certainly help you and your partner reconnect.
Posted by dzul89 at 10:24 AM 0 comments Leave your comment here
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Fun in the Sun with a Florida Romantic Getaway
If you and your partner love to sun, surf, snorkel or maybe want to try all three activities, consider Florida as your source for a getaway. A Florida romantic getaway is the perfect way to have some fun in the sun.
Below are some examples of what you and your significant other can do while visiting the Sunshine state.
Find the Kid in You
If you and your partner's idea of a Florida romantic getaway include roller coasters, snacks and Mickey Mouse, then Disneyworld is just right for both. Not only can you visit Disneyworld in Orlando, Florida, you can also go to Universal Studios. Spend a few days in both parks, go on some rides, take pictures with Disney characters and tour the movie sets of Universal Studios. This is perfect for any couple young at heart. Florida is also home to the Kennedy Space Center, for those couples whose idea of a Florida romantic getaway is to experience the world of space and aeronautics.
Water Lover
Whether you are a water baby, or want to try some water activities, then a Florida romantic getaway is the perfect way to combine romance and adventure. Swim with the fish and other aquatic life in the Florida Keys, or explore the sunken ships off the coast of Fort Lauderdale. With crystal blue waters and a colorful array of reef and fish, diving and snorkeling within Florida's waters is the best way to enjoy your holiday. Other types of water activities in Florida include fishing, boating, water skiing, wakeboarding, for those couple who want their fun to be more familiar.
Night Life
Another reason to embark on a Florida romantic getaway is to enjoy the culture of this southeastern state. With a mixture of Cuban, Haitian and other Central American cultures, Florida offers a variety of clubs and music that intermixes all of these worlds. Enjoy live jazz music, or visit Miami for some very hot nightclubs that will leave you dancing the night away.
In the end, choosing a Florida romantic getaway for you and your significant other is a great option to break away from the drone of the daily life. Get away with each other, snorkel, and dance to Jazz music or just enjoy a trip to Disney World. In any way, it will be a great way to rekindle the passion between you and your loved one.
Posted by dzul89 at 10:20 AM 0 comments Leave your comment here
Labels: Florida Romantic Getaway, romantic gateway