Located in northern Colombia, Santa Marta is on the Caribbean and is a popular tourist attraction for the country. Here in Santa Marta you can also find the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains, which are quite a beautiful sight for anyone in the area to check out. This is a very important maritime port with rich history and culture. This wonderful city was the first city to be founded in Colombia and the second city founded in all of South America, which is another reason it is a great place for tourism, due to its extensive history. However, like most major cities in Colombia, it has been affected by the Colombian Armed Conflict. Fortunately, it has only been moderately affected unlike cities like Bogota which have been largely affected.
Santa Marta may very well be the biggest hot spot for tourism in the country of Colombia. It has quite the array of historical and modern sights to see as well as many sights for the eco-tourist. Every year Las Fiestas del Mar, or The Festival of the Sea, is celebrated here in Santa Marta. This festival is held around the months of June and July and serves as a large tourist attraction during the midyear vacationing season. One of the most anticipated events here every year is the jet ski show organized by the Santa Marta Esqui. Like most other South American festivals there are parties, music, beauty pageants, and parades throughout the city. People here in this part of the world are very serious about their celebrations! This particular festival even has its own slogan: Santa Marta, la magica de tenerlo todo, or in translation, Santa Marta, the magic of having it all!
Of course you can find other museums, monuments, and parks within this gorgeous city. The last home of the city's founder, Simon Bolivar, was made into a museum for his honor. Here you will find many artifacts that are important to the history of this city and to South America. One of the oldest Cathedrals in South America may also be found here. This Cathedral is a national monument and also held the remains of Simon Bolivar until 1842. Here you will also find the oldest house of America, built in 1530; it is called La Casa de la Aduana or simply the Customs House. Today it is actually known as the Tayrona Museum, and is one of the more popular tourist sights. Here in Santa Marta you can also find the building which is known as the jewel of colonial architecture. This building is known as the Madame Augustine House. Close outside the city you will find the San Fernando Fort which is another great example of colonial architecture. It was built to protect the city from pirates and the like. Of course, a trip to Santa Marta would not be complete without visiting the Tairona National Park, which is located about thirty four kilometers north of Santa Marta. This reserve is by far the most important one inside the country of Colombia and holds vast beauty for the locals and the traveler abroad.