When an American tourist is traveling abroad, even in Mexico, driving conditions can be a much different situation. The road conditions are quite different from those here in the United States. You should be aware of these differences and be prepared to encounter these differences and deal with them. A lot of public transportation vehicles do not observe traffic regulations like speed limits and even stopping at red lights.
United States driver's licenses are fortunately valid in Mexico. So, if you are taking a trip to south of the border you will luckily not have to acquire any special pass or license. The Mexican government, of course, regulates very strictly the entry and exit of vehicles across the border. Mexican law requires that only the owner of a vehicle drive their car, there should be n o one else behind the wheel. If this law is not followed, they may seize the vehicle and it will not be returned under any circumstance. So, do remember to keep behind the wheel of your own vehicle while in Mexico.
Just as in the United States, Mexico requires all drivers to have insurance, including rental vehicles as well. Mexican auto insurance can be obtained easily in most cities on either side of the border. This should be no problem for any traveler to acquire. Remember, United States liability insurance is not valid in Mexico, that also includes most other collision and comprehensive coverage issued by United States companies. It is also considered invalid if the driver of the vehicle is found to be under the influence of and drugs, alcohol, or other inhibitors.
A very useful fact to know while in Mexico is that the Mexican equivalent to 911 is 060. If you have an emergency while driving, or at any other time, this is the number you will want to be dialing. However, this number is not always answered so be prepared. If you are on a toll road in Mexico you may contact the Green Angels or the Angeles Verde. The Green Angels are a fleet of trucks with a bilingual crew. They may be directly reached at a number. If for some reason you cannot call them, merely pull off to the side of the road and lift your hood. There is a good possibility they will find you if you wait in this fashion. If you happen to be involved in an automobile accident you will automatically be taken into police custody until it can be sorted out. You will be held until they find out who is liable and as to whether you will be able to pay any penalty. If you did not invest in the Mexican liability insurance you may not be allowed to depart the country. You may even be denied leaving if you have a life threatening medical emergency. So be sure to go into Mexico prepared for anything or you may be very sorry you didn't. You may even have to spend some time in jail, and you will certainly have to do so if you do not have the insurance you need. You will have to remain there until all parties are satisfied that responsibility has been assigned properly and everyone is pleased financially. If it is really serious you or whoever is at fault may be facing criminal charges.
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My e-mails: meioaereo@gmail.comMy website: www.meioaereo.comBest regards,
FA Dan
www.milebymile.com has highway guides for Mexico.